There are loads of Internet sites on recreational flying in general and microlighting in particular. Here are a few of the ones we regularly visit or particularly like.
Airborne Microlights
Manufacturers of world class microlights for the most discerning pilots (like most of us). They now also have a YouTube channel which, besides loads of videos of trikes (and hang-gliders) flying, they have also started to use for some very helpful demonstration videos. The first ones are for rigging the SST wing and attaching the SST wing to the trike.
Recreational Aviation Australia
RA-Aus administer microlight and ultralight (recreational) aviation in Australia and there’s loads of useful information on their website.
Caboolture Aeroclub
Operators of our home airfield
Rockhampton Sport Aviation
Satellite Flight Training Facility of Caboolture Microlights based at Hedlow airfield between Rockhampton and Yeppoon on the central Queensland Coast.
Our current favourite weather site – awesome graphics and forecasts up to 10 days ahead.
Caboolture Weather
Hosted by a local pilot, provides live weather statistics from very close to the airfield. Particularly handy for those of us who don’t live nearby.
Area Weather Forecast
Aviation weather forecast from the Bureau of Meteorology
Another weather site we use to check on the prospects for flying (but less use if you don’t live or fly near the coast)
Visual Flying Rules Guide
Latest version of the very handy VFR Guide for both students and qualified pilots.
FAA Weight-Shift Control Aircraft Flying Handbook
Standard textbook we use for trike pilots available free online. Spoilt by a few “Americanisms” such as “relative wind” and, obviously, the air legislation chapters are not the same as Australia.
Caution – large download (65Mb)
Around Oz 2002
Across Africa 2003
Archived diaries and photos from a couple of John’s bigger flying expeditions
Recreational Flying Forum
Popular Australian recreational aviation site with active forum including quite a few trikers. Like any Internet forum, in most cases you don’t know the identity of the people posting so remember that verbosity isn’t the same as knowledge.